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Make the ball move

In this article, you create a movement logic for the ball. You have already the form with the layout and the library with the ball.

In this step, you need to use only the ball.cs file to write the code.


This article builds on the previous one, Create a ball. If you have not read that article, go through that one first.

Add position variables

  1. Right after the OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) class, add the following code to declare the variables.

       //Declare the variables of the ball position
       int dx;  //the X position
       int dy;  //the Y position

  2. Add the following code to initiate the ball position.

    //Initiate the ball position
       public void Init(int left, int top, int dx, int dy)
           Left = left;
           Top = top;
           this.dx = dx;
           this.dy = dy;
       //Enumerate four directions
       public enum Direction
           Left, Right, Top, Bottom
    In this code sample, the Init method initiates the ball position variables and declares them. Also, the Enum class provides the Direction enumeration.

  3. Add the following code to create the properties of the current direction.

       //Create properties of the current direction
       public Direction CurrentDirectionX { get; private set; }
       public Direction CurrentDirectionY { get; private set; }
    In this code sample, the CurrentDirectionX and CurrentDirectionY properties have get and set accessors to read and write the values of the properties.

  4. Add the following code to set the speed property and check if speed has a negative value.

       //Declare the speed variable and property
       private int speed;
       public int Speed
           get => speed;
       //Create the method that checks if the speed value is not negative and assigns 
       //the new values for the `dx` and `dy` variables depending on the `speed` 
       private void OnSpeedChanged(int value)
           if (value >= 0)
               speed = value;
               dx = dx != 0 ? dx / Math.Abs(dx) * value : value;
               dy = dy != 0 ? dy / Math.Abs(dy) * value : value;
    In this code sample, declare the speed variable. Then declare the Speed property with get and set accessors. The get accessor reads the speed value.

    The set accessor uses the OnSpeedChanged method that checks if the speed value is not negative and assigns the new values for the dx and dy variables depending on the speed value.

Add counters

Add the following code to install the counter and update the ball position.

   //Declare the Counter property
   public int Counter { get; private set; }
   //Create an action event with four directions
   public event Action<Direction, Direction, Direction, Direction> OnCollision;
   //Create the method that updates the ball position and counts collisions
   public void UpdatePosition()
       if (Left + dx <= 0 || Left + Width + dx >= Parent.Width)
           OnCollision?.Invoke(CurrentDirectionX, CurrentDirectionY, dx > 0 ? Direction.Right : Direction.Left, CurrentDirectionY);
           dx = -dx;


       if (Top + dy <= 0 || Top + Height + dy >= Parent.Height)
           OnCollision?.Invoke(CurrentDirectionX, CurrentDirectionY, CurrentDirectionX, dy > 0 ? Direction.Bottom : Direction.Top);
           dy = -dy;

       CurrentDirectionX = dx > 0 ? Direction.Left : Direction.Right;
       CurrentDirectionY = dy > 0 ? Direction.Top : Direction.Bottom;
       Left += dx;
       Top += dy;

In this code sample, declare the Counter property with get and set accessors. Then declare the OnCollision event that reacts to the direction change. The UpdatePosition method contains a few checks:

  • If the left position of the ball is less or equal to zero, or the left position of the ball is more or equal to the panel width, then the Counter increments.

  • If the top position of the ball is less or equal to zero, or the top position of the ball is more or equal to the panel height, then the Counter increments again.

Each check means the ball hits the panel boundary. At this moment, the OnCollision event is invoked, and the direction is inverted. Then, the CurrentDirectionX and CurrentDirectionY variables of the ball position are checked, and the ball position is updated.

Run your app

In this step, you can run your app and check if everything is good.

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + S or click the icon to save all files in the project.
  2. Press F5 or click the icon to run your project.

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